A progress report

Firstly, we had a fantastic volunteer social at the beginning of April. The shop was packed with people all wanting to help with Dig-In. We hope to see evenings like this become a regular feature in the Dig-In calendar so will keep you posted if any more are organised.


Now, the bit you’ve been waiting for, photos of the shop! We brought in our trusty camera last Friday so we can share with you our progress so far. Enjoy! Read more

This is where it gets messy…

Like most Saturday’s, we are open tomorrow for free soup and a chat so shoppers can come in and learn more about Dig-In. That’s not all we’re doing though.

The time has come to roll up our sleeves, get scrubbing and painting, and we need your help! We will be open tomorrow (Saturday 29th March) from 11am-3pm working on giving the downstairs of the shop a little make over. If you want to help, please come along and bring some clothes you don’t mind getting grubby! Read more