We are delighted to welcome Maxime Swift, a previous Dig-In volunteer, as our new part-time Shop Supervisor.
Maxime brings experience in food network and sustainability projects – she has been involved in the student-led social enterprise Slurp Edinburgh, which engages individuals affected by homelessness. She is also a Veg Advocate for Scotland with the Peas Please Project, led by Nourish Scotland, who ran a workshop with our team of staff and volunteers last year. Maxime will graduate from Edinburgh University this summer. Please join us in welcoming Maxime!
We were sorry to say goodbye to Steph Marsden, who has worked with us since March 2019. She is moving up and onwards into an exciting new role with one of our organic suppliers, Locavore Trading. Check out their exciting ‘Bigger Plan‘ which they launched this year.

Spring vegetables – making it through the hungry gap
Lovely seasonal organic purple sprouting broccoli from Yorkshire have been brightening our shelves for a few weeks but will not last long! We have had the start of fabulous organic salad leaves grown locally by the Free Company out by Balerno, currently supplies a bit intermittent but will become more regular as the weather warms up.
We are still stocking wonderful local root veg, dirty carrots from Fife are wonderful as ever, and we still have a good selection of Scottish grown potatoes. Looking forward to local rhubarb soon. Our honey from Midlothian Honey is very popular, expect new season stock as we get into summer.
We are noticing a small price increase overall with fresh fruit and veg, and that some stock may be a slightly longer time in transit, so we are checking our prices carefully, working closely with our suppliers and increasing quality checks.

Shout out to Dig-In volunteers You will have seen some new faces behind the till in the last few weeks. Rita, Georgia, Lina, Katie, Zoe and Anna completed the online training in late February and are now busy in shop training – taking on veg box packing and after hours shelving, as well as helping customers in the shop. Our grateful thanks go to to our long-standing volunteers who have been steadfast in doing shifts weekly throughout lockdown. Some volunteers have stepped back for a bit of a well-deserved break – and we look forward to having them back in the shop. |

A massive thank you to everyone who attended our online AGM last month. While we missed having our usual snacks and blethers, it was still lovely to see you all and thanks to everyone who made personalised thank you signs to share on our screens.
We also welcomed Carl Emery to our Management Committee. Carl has been volunteering with Diane, our Treasurer and is excited to get more involved in the financial and business side of things. Welcome Carl!

We are all looking forward to lockdown easing and hopefully we can relax a little over the summer and get to socialise more with friends and family.
Unfortunately social distancing and mask wearing look here to stay for a while, so not much will change in how we shop at Dig-In. We will be back having tastings and outreach events when it is safe to do so!
Thanks for all your support.
The Dig-In team xxx