Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any burning questions about Dig-In, you’ll probably find the answers here.

The Shop

Becoming a supporter

Who runs the Dig-In shop?

Our lovely Shop Manager; Steph, Assistant Manager; Struan, and shop supervisors; Ali, Michelle, and Charlotte run the shop with a happy band of volunteers who work shifts to support the paid staff. The Dig-In Management Committee has ultimate responsibility for the shop and oversees all aspects of its operation, though they leave the day-to-day running of the shop to our capable staff.

Who decides what you stock?

The shop staff order our stock and work hard to make and maintain our relationships with local suppliers. Using customer suggestions, historic sales information and our staff and volunteer expertise, we aim to stock the shop with produce you want to buy. We are always happy to hear your suggestions and can also offer bulk stock purchases to you.

Why aren’t you all local and all organic?

We aim to stock organic and non-organic, seasonal produce which is as local where possible, whilst still maintaining a range of every day items. Upon opening Dig In, our market research suggested our community wanted to have choice between organic and non-organic and be able to buy a range of fruit and veg that weren’t necessarily local and seasonal. We’re yet to find a banana plantation in the UK but these (fair trade only) and the other non-seasonal items we do stock is to try and satisfy as wide a range of community customers as possible. We do aim to stock produce when it’s looking at its best, in season, and which is as local as possible.  If you come looking for raspberries outside of their Scottish growing season you will be disappointed – but as well as the transport miles to consider, we don’t think they really taste as good as the real local thing at that special time of year.

Will we get a discount as shareholders?

No, we will not be able to offer shareholders a discount.  Our efforts are going into providing quality produce to all the community at a reasonable cost. Our volunteers and staff members do get a 20% discount in the shop.

How can I help out?

In many many ways! You can support us by making Dig-In part of your regular shop, by liking/tagging/sharing/blogging about us or by volunteering.

We always need volunteers to help in the shop but there’s many other ways you can volunteer – whether your interest lies in marketing, photography, shelving, interior design, web design, social networking, events, accounting, or in nominating for the Management Committee. Please drop into the shop or email to discuss how you can help at

Can I still buy shares in Dig-In?

You can! Please use this form or drop into the shop and ask us!

What do I get for my investment?

You will own shares in Dig-In as a member and will have a part in its actions and success.  Interest may be paid from time to time, if the profit is sufficient, however we do not expect to be able to make any payments until at least our third year of trading. Your investment should be considered for its social return and the benefit this brings to the community of Bruntsfield.  The shares are non-transferable and cannot be traded.

Can I buy a share for someone else?

You can buy a share or shares for anyone, adult or child 5 and over, and these can be as a gift. Please use this form or drop into the shop and ask for more information!

What are the risks?

As with any new business venture there are risks.  As a community benefit society the money you pay for the shares is not safeguarded by deposit protection or dispute resolution.

If I buy shares now can I get my money back later?….You can withdraw your investment after five years at the discretion of the Management Committee, provided that sufficient funds are available.

What control do I have?

As a shareholder you can be nominated as a member of the Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting, and you are entitled to vote. Each shareholder has one vote, regardless of the amount of shares purchased.

What is Dig In doing to protect personal data?

In line with the UK Data Protection Act (2018) , we have published our Dig-In Bruntsfield Privacy Policy 2018. We will only use your personal data with your permission and will never share it with anyone else

Last update: July 2020.