We want to take this opportunity to wish our community, our members, supporters and shoppers a happy and healthy festive season. It has been a year like no other and we want to take this moment to reflect on the last 9 months, and express our gratitude for everyone that has been part of our ongoing resilience and enabled us to continue to be your local high street greengrocer.
…our incredible staff team: Morag Deans, Claire Hutchins, Steph Marsden, Struan Johnston and Lina Alkhatib (welcome to our team!). Your hard work, dedication, flexibility and support for each other has meant we haven’t had to close the shop once since the pandemic started. The shelves have been stocked and volunteers supported in adjusting to new rhythms and systems. You’ve been working away behind the scenes, doing all the things that need doing to keep our doors open, with such a positive and can do attitude.
…our volunteers: those serving customers, making deliveries to those in need, on our Management Committee, keeping track of the ever changing guidelines and legislation and supporting the staff to make their jobs as safe as possible. Especially our new MC members Fiona Liddle and Ann McFall, who joined us at the last AGM, just before the pandemic hit, and have yet to join a physical meeting!
…our trusty suppliers: from old stalwarts Greencity Wholefoods to new start-ups Untitled Oats and Cave Coffee, we have been so grateful to our key food workers across the supply chain, in the fields, factories, warehouses and delivery vans, keeping our shelves stocked.
…our community and customers, for being patient as we brought in new systems and increased queuing times, for being kind and good humoured with our team and your ongoing support. THANK YOU ALL!
Fruit and Veg Boxes

From being a relatively discreet part of our business for the last few years, our veg box subscriptions increased hugely at the beginning of lockdown. We went from doing about 15 veg boxes per week in March to about 55 per week in May. 30% of those veg boxes were deliveries, at no extra cost, by staff and volunteers, to those shielding at home. This meant closing the shop to regular shopping on Fridays as our wee shop couldn’t fit all the boxes and humans in at once.
While some of you have been itching to get back into the shop once restrictions eased, we have seen box numbers decrease and we are glad to now be open again to regular shopping on Friday. We are happy to continue this service for those who prefer it.
Winter Updates

Sunday openings up to Christmas
We know with the cold, dark and dreich winter weather, queuing outside is distinctly less fun than in the summer. We have decided to open from 12-4pm on Sundays in the lead up to Christmas to give everyone more space and time to pick up their Christmas shopping.
Pre-order your Christmas veg
As in previous years, you will be able to pre-order your Christmas veg, just ask in the shop for a form or fill in and email to us at orders@diginbruntsfield.co.uk.
Quiet times for shopping
If you are wanting to pop in and are worried about queuing or waiting, we tend to be quieter on weekday mornings and Sunday afternoons.
Christmas Opening Hours

What’s coming up in 2021?
Save the Date!
Dig-In’s 8th AGM – Greens, Grapefruit and Gratitude
8th February 2021 – 7-9pm – online
We are looking for new Management Committee members and any motions.
Register via the Eventbrite page.
How are we faring?
Our financial year end was at the end of August 2020. Our draft annual accounts will be made available to members for approval at the AGM.
Whilst the annual accounts are not yet finalised, we wanted to share with you that despite the challenges of the past few months we did see a sales increase of 13% compared to the previous year which underlines how important Dig-In continues to be to the community.
We are incredibly grateful we have not had to close our doors this year and while our costs have also seen a significant increase, we are anticipating a small profit for the year.
Contribution to Edinburgh Food Social
We are collecting donations in the shop for Edinburgh Food Social, who are delivering nutritious dinners to as many folk as possible, with a specific drive over the Christmas period. We’ve agreed to match fund up to £100 raised through the collection as well.
All our love,
All the team at Dig-In xxx